Illustration from the Russian fairy-tale Vasilisa.
After the death of her mother, Vasilisa is made to do all of the difficult household tasks, whilst her stepsisters laze around the house.
Fineliner on paper (15x21cm)
Illustration from the Russian fairy-tale Vasilisa.
Vasilisa’s stepmother demands that she travel into the depths of the forest in order to get fuel for their fire which has gone out.
Fineliner on paper (15x21cm)
Illustration from the Russian fairy-tale Vasilisa.
Vasilisa reluctantly heads out into the forest and in the dead of a Russian winter, its cold outside.
Fineliner on paper (15x21cm)
Illustration from the Russian fairy-tale Vasilisa.
Vasilisa must use all her bravery, wits and trickery in order to escape from the Baba Yaga.
Fineliner on paper (15x21cm)
Illustration from the Russian fairy-tale Vasilisa.
Whilst Vasilisa treks through the dark forest, at home her stepsisters admire their jewellery and fine clothes by candle light.
Fineliner on paper (15x21cm)
Illustration from the Russian fairy-tale Vasilisa.
Vasilisa must fetch a flame from the house of the BABA YAGA, who lives in the middle of the forest in a house on chicken legs.
Fineliner on paper (15x21cm)